Cesty Energie


How we embody and express our energy makes visible our psyche and our life patterns by which we respond to the world. We hold energy in our bodies that we didn’t dare express as vulnerable children. It manifests itself as tension in the muscles and as a charge of energy in the organs and connective tissues. We call this fixed form of expression and defense our character. It is our social, customized self, our blocks and suppression of the natural flow of our life energy, our wildness, including our sexuality and creativity.

The path of energy – psychotherapeutic work with the body – is inspired by the work of Wilhelm Reich and the therapy developed by his students in several directions – such as bioenergetics, biodynamic psychology and massage. It seeks to release old traumas, habits and unconscious defensive attitudes and to liberate our life energy in favor of aliveness, pleasure and self-fulfillment.

The energy path seeks to change the essence of our existence, to shift from an attitude based on fear and ignorance to responsible choice and the ability to express ourselves through our heart, our gender and our soul. It involves an analysis of our own character and patterns of behavior that we have adopted as a necessity for survival. Understanding the biographical causes of our rigidity, limitations and strategies. Healing traumas and fears. It is also about finding freedom of expression and creativity as an autonomous human being.

As part of bioenergetics and bioenergetic exercises, you will acquire the ability to recognize the energy and character of yourself and others, as well as how to support this energy. At the same time, you will learn to understand energy movements such as contraction and expansion, penetration and embrace, condensation and dispersion. As such, bioenergetic training is invaluable not only for individuals on the path of their own self-development, but also as a professional resource for those involved in working with other people’s energies.